Ptolemy’s Epicycles solve Climate Change

In this video we will learn how the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy can be used to solve climate change, by demonstrating that modern climate theory is based on a completely false conception of reality with the Sun NOT at the center of the solar system or the climate. This solves climate change because it means that our modern conception and science of the climate is based on completely false principles, and thus, the prognostications of climate change from climate science’s non-existent greenhouse effect are entirely erroneous. Climate science’s “greenhouse effect” is nothing more than a Ptolemaic epicycle!

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285 Responses to Ptolemy’s Epicycles solve Climate Change

  1. CD Marshall says:

    Every video you make increases my IQ.

  2. CD Marshall says:

    I’m curious, on the regards of models and as an astrophysicist, what do you think of the Sun having a “surface”?

  3. That guy is a sophist. This is the end result of science’s self destruction through flat earth theory…is all manner of quackery will spring up until any truth is completely gone.

  4. CD Marshall says:

    Yeah but he’s so educated any normal person couldn’t dispute him, the trick to sophistry.

  5. Joseph E Postma says:

    Hah, from the 2nd link:

    “Interpreting atmospheric IR (infrared) back radiation as an external heating energy flux to the surface is like viewing the observed apparent rotation of celestial bodies “around” Earth as a “proof” that Earth was at the center of the Universe, a mistake made for 1000 years!” — Dr. Ned Nikolov

    I think they would understand exactly what I am saying.

    “Dr. Nikolov points out that the greenhouse gas theory violates the Energy-Conservation Law in trying to explain the atmospheric thermal effect exclusively through radiation.”

    Somehow we face an enemy where none of this matters. It is an enemy using sophistry to defeat us, in some way. The nature of the war is not totally clear. It is clear that it has potential to end in the destruction of life on Earth, if the enemy gets their way.

  6. CD Marshall says:

    He is basically saying what you’ve been saying but doesn’t see the obvious connection yet in the flat Earth diagrams. If he saw your latest video maybe he’d say, “oh that’s what he’s been trying to say all along, well yeah that does make sense.”

  7. Marshall Rosenthal says:

    The “mistake” today is amplified by the “climate alarmists”.

  8. Barry says:

    Ya the problem isn’t convincing academia,they already know it’s a lie they invented. The problem is convincing the sheep that the sun heats the earth not co2. About a year ago I started following this blog and now have a decent lay persons grasp of this stupidity called the ghe. Joseph is a great teacher and brings it down to a level that anyone should be able to understand but academics and the msm don’t want to be informed they want to be fear mongers. There is simply too much money in this scam to let it go. I now argue the point that the sun heats the earth and just about everyone agrees but then they like to go on about how co2 makes it hotter,when asked how they are dumbfounded and get into the THEY SAY SCIENCE as if hearing it on tv makes it right. I fear that unless we can convince the sheep that this is all a lie we are doomed to building windmills back to the dark ages.

  9. boomie789 says:

    Incoming “Election Denier” to be pumped into the zeitgeist. Just like “climate change denier”.

    “I don’t deny elections, I deny fraudulent elections!”

    It’s perfect.

    Maybe something will happen between now and the 20th, if not, then so be it.
    Like you said we are going to win in the end.

  10. CD Marshall says:

    Joseph, this guy is clearly being beaten over the head with sophists, I can tell by the confusion (been there done that). His mind is tired and that’s when these vultures try and pluck out your eyes.
    I’m letting you handle this one, I don’t want to tell him something incorrect or could cause confusion.
    Same guy on your latest post.

    “Stefan Pijanowski
    3 hours ago
    @CD Marshall From the replies, am I correct that if I take an instant in time, the side of the Earth facing the Sun will radiate away more energy in that instant than the side facing away from the Sun? A hot body radiates more than a cooler body and apart from the small area that the Sun occupies, the Earth sees Space in the same way on both sides, so radiates based on sTfromboth sides. Space has no temperature. This seems counter intuitive. I would expect more energy to flow from the side that is not facing a heat source, which is increasing its temperature. This is the case in conduction. A surface loses heat from anywhere it is not receiving heat. It does not lose heat from where it is gaining heat; if it did it would make it hard to argue against back radiation.”

    If a side has less energy it would flow less, a cold side would have less energy? What people don’t realize about thermodynamics is actually “cold” is the normal of the universe, it is the default. Heat must always be introduced and if you’re introducing higher energy then that higher energy by default should flow more.

    Is this not a reasonable deduction?

  11. boomie789 says:

    along with Trump

    Also, Steve Bannon’s war room was removed from YouTube.

  12. Joseph E Postma says:

    Is it not clear that some form of war is on?

  13. CD Marshall says:

    All over Twitter is not antifa posing as Trump protesters, but just “Trump protesters” total set up, the corrupt deep state of Obama is now here to stay. No more free elections in the US.

    R.I.P American freedom.
    Welcome the banana Republic.

  14. CD Marshall says:

    …and Biden running on the beach in a Speedo chasing teenage girls.

  15. CD Marshall says:

    Boomie and any…New gun laws rammed down the pipe…

  16. CD Marshall says:

    Joseph please delete that link asap I’m brain dead.

    Real link below…

  17. boomie789 says:

    All gun laws are unconstitutional

  18. CD Marshall says:

    Classic socialism 101 disarm the people and then control them, which is why we were given gun rites in the first place and why the revolution was fought in the first place.

    A sheep surrounded by wolves has no say in the outcome.
    A sheep armed to the teeth, well they can contest that outcome.

  19. CD Marshall says:

    This doesn’t even make sense? Anyone?

  20. boomie789 says:

    “Strategies to prevent the formation of tropospheric ozone are primarily based on methane reductions.”

    Stop eating so much meat and generating abundant cheap energy, you silly westerner. Don’t you care about the environment?

  21. CD Marshall says:

    I see a ‘gas tax’ irony in the future. Will they have methane detecting drones ‘sniffing’ the populace for over excessive methane flatulent production?

  22. CD Marshall says:

    SkepticalScience is claiming you are not blocked from them:

    “He said he was blocked and those defending him said they were blocked as well.”
    I have contacted SkepticalScience and asked them about this. They say Joseph Postma was NOT blocked.”

    Can you provide any evidence that he was?

  23. CD Marshall says:

    I thought you were blocked, so if the misinformation is mine, I’ll own up to it and correct the mistake on my end. Not the first time I’ve been wrong and will not be the last time either.

  24. Who knows. Not relevant. They’re frauds and admit they like flat earth theory.

    Likely, many years ago when they published that article, they may have blocked me from commenting. Might recall that. Irrelevant anyway….don’t let them pretend to win via irrelevant minutiae.

  25. CD Marshall says:

    POST your video reply to them on their site and see if they let it stand.

  26. Do you have a link?

  27. I thought that they got rid of comments section.

  28. CD Marshall says:

    The question is where to link?
    This is the home page, but where do you want to comment? The article you rebutted recently would be the ideal place but where is it is the question?

  29. That was actually a really old article from years ago. It comes up with a search.

  30. CD Marshall says:
  31. Posting comment.

  32. Looks like they went up

  33. CD Marshall says:

    Look at this reply against Rosco,

    “Response: [Sph] Readers should note that Rosco’s initial statement statement concerning observations is either incorrect or at best so vague as to imply an untruth.

    The surface of the earth is clearly not 255K, as supported by observation, but the observed temperature of the earth as viewed from space is 255K.

    More correctly, as well, the IR output of the surface of the earth is about 396 W/m2 (as supported by observations), and the output of the earth to space is in fact ~240 W/m2 as supported by observation.

    All of these numbers are well established, supported by observation, and also supported by theoretical models and calculations. They all match.

    It falls to the Galileos among us not only to disprove the theory, but also to provide an alternative theory that so well fits the actual observations.

    Claims that the observations don’t exist, or even worse misrepresentations of the actual observations, should be a warming sign to any reader as to the intent and veracity of further claims by the commenter.”

  34. CD Marshall says:

    LOL they already discredited you without one lick of science backing it up. Typical of SS. Invite them for an open debate.

  35. That’s why they’re pointless lying sophists.

  36. Do me a favor and post the AMS video to showcase the peer review fraud…

  37. CD Marshall says:

    SS to Postma
    “[DB] Science does not advance via Youtube video. As such, your efforts lend you little credibility.

    NASA has ruled out orbital effects as significant factor in the observed warming of the past 100 years, here and here.

    Please stay on-topic.”

    NASA posts of YouTube. MIT Posts on YouTube. Fermilab Posts on YouTube.

  38. Joseph E Postma says:

    By that logic they shouldn’t bother with their own website either.

  39. CD Marshall says:

    That’s been the new troll comment “you tube doesn’t validate science” even though they all post on it and as a matter of a a fact, SS just posted a video from Climate Adam from wait for it, yes You Tube!

  40. Haha these retards…lol!!

  41. CD Marshall says:

    So they snipped your invite lol you should go to Climate Adam and invite him personally…

    Or Simon…

  42. Haha no I just posted a link to the AMS video saying that it was on topic discussing climate science peer review…lol. They didn’t want that up there! The sick losers….haha.

    Climate Adam? Where? Simon?

  43. Note how they always say “reputable journal” too so even if you do publish something they can just say the journal doesn’t count…lol. Sick retards!

  44. Come on everybody-pile in there and tell them how it is!

  45. boomie789 says:

    I can’t find your guys comments in those vids if you left one.

    Pretty sure this guy isn’t with the left.

  46. boomie789 says:

    nvm I found one of CD Marshall’s.

  47. CD Marshall says:

    Boomie over at Simon…

    “When the world finally gets serious about climate change this political voodoo nonsense will be stopped. We know that’s not going to happen for people will fall for anything pushed through politics and media hype no matter how archaic and absurd. Academia has chosen a political crusade over sound based science for a long time.”

    JP has not invited them for a debate yet. Like someone suggested on another site, we should call them out for live debates and then create a list of those who don’t show up/refuse and spread it around as charlatans afraid of open debate.

  48. Joseph E Postma says:

    Do that!

    I still don’t know who these people are or where to find them…

    But yes…DO THAT!

  49. John OSullivan says:
  50. CD Marshall says:

    One thing you should do (I know it would be time consuming, very time consuming) but you should go through the entire SS article, 1 and 2 and make a video on them correcting their pseudo science line by line if need be.

    This one comment really sticks out that they claimed the /4 is justified because of the speed of the planet spinning!

    Just the common sense factor, not the physics factor that’s your domain, but the tropical ocean is the main receiver of mostly all solar thermal energy, so spinning is completely invalidated. The ocean is still absorbing at the equator 24 hours and that constant absorption is powering the Hadley cells and our climate.

  51. CD Marshall says:

    A little on the physics is its 940 watts per meter per second. Per second, not /4 second and not /4 meter.

    That is how much actual joules covering a meter is receiving in a second. As you said it’s a flux. DO they even have scientists there? Who checked the paper and what was their physics degree?

  52. CD Marshall says:

    Boomie I thought you’d like this but its for all naturally, one of my brother’s sources he looks at as I said he is a former special ops and intelligence gatherer and now I’m sure red flagged by the NWO.

  53. Did they remove the DNS service for Gab now too?

    Holy f war is on.

  54. CD Marshall says:


  55. CD Marshall says:

    Parler is gone, I can’t link to it.

  56. boomie789 says:


    I think it could be from new users piling in. Might be overloaded or something. Parler is definitely down. They took down, they will be back up soon for sure though.

  57. Zelator says:

    Simon Parkes,

    I think the affidavit that Simon is talking about that Youtube deleted is this:

    There was a discussion yesterday between Simon Parkes, Danielle Stotidj and Charlie Ward that provided additional information and I will provide it here:

    They said there will be a media blackout in the coming days? And Project Odin will come online.

    Enjoy and Peace.

  58. Zelator says:

    Apologies to Danielle I misspelled her name it’s Danielle Stotijn. She is a very informed Dutch lady who can be found at There is an English version available. She is a healer.

  59. CD Marshall says:

    Unfortunately the Left has covered all their bases and neutered Trump “illegally” but when they all oppose the Will of the People it is officially the Deep State vs Freedom and we are now powerless legislatively to defend ourselves.

    By executive order Trump placed an election safe hold before the election, that if any foreign powers were shown to interfere in the election the current process would be invalidated and had to be redone.

    Evidence did show interference on all levels BUT when the FBI, CIA, President elect, Mainstream Media, Congress and the Senate are all controlled by the perpetrators AND the Pentagon says they are not supporting Trump, you are a King who has no throne and we are now in the US a nation without any leaders. We have been invaded and our conquerors have taken by force what we did not give up by will.

    Note almost all mainstream Left are card carrying communists under the radar or not so much these days.This infection of communism sparked over the democrats right around the time Obama was born.

    During the Cold War many in the Left were in direct communication with the Kremlin. How do you think all those Russian spies were allowed to infiltrate all manner of government, they had help from the inside. The NY Times is a communist organization, in WW 2 they were the ones claiming Death Camps didn’t exist and the Germans weren’t that bad.

    If my memory serves me right.

    China is the communist child of Mother Russia.

  60. CD Marshall says:

    Under Climate Adam link above, under Climate Adam in the posts:

    Nicholas Palmer
    3 hours ago
    @CD Marshall Joseph Postma? There would be no point in a debate by Zoom or otherwise. He is a very good example of the type of scientist I mentioned previously who wrongly pontificates outside his sphere of expertise, which is astronomy. Postma has never published any peer reviewed papers on climate science in a reputable journal (not even in a low credibility one). He writes books and pamphlets that sell to the scientifically illiterate and gullible. Postma is a crackpot whose ideas, that he clearly thinks reveal huge holes at the heart of greenhouse theory, have been debunked a thousand times. I think he is sincere in his delusions, which he has clung onto for a very long time, but he has some problem with his thinking which prevents him from being able to absorb it when his battalions of strawmen arguments are knocked down. It may actually be a memory problem instead of a perceptual one, because the fallacious foundations of his arguments have been demolished in front of his eyes many times.

    He is associated with the pseudoscientific PSI blog which also features those fellow Skydragon Slayer crackpots John O’ Sullivan and Tim Ball. He has been informed, basically, that he’s nuts by just about all of the famous skeptic/contrarian/deniers. Here’s a little excerpt of Postma bitching about them:

    J E P “Instead we found that the biggest names in skepticism – Nova, Monckton, Watts, Spencer, Curry etc – all started calling us names, questioning our motives and our intelligence, campaigning together to ruin our reputation, and using their media-presence to silence us. And it still continues. Look at Monckton’s meltdown yesterday, and look at Spencer’s outright fraudulent sophistry above”

    CD Marshall – if even the best known ‘sceptics’ disavow the likes of Postma it should be a big red flag to you – the man is unstable and verging on insane (try delving into his books on the lluminati…) and his mind is entirely closed to reason.

  61. Zelator says:

    CD, that is why he has apparently empowered the Insurrection Act ( 1807) were he as Commander in Chief can deploy all military forces who he controls as commander. He can then issue Martial Law and decommission National Media and go to Emergency BROADCAST. i.e PROJECT ODIN.

  62. CD Marshall says:

    The only chance he has of doing that is if mid level officers arrest all the brass who are part of the Deep State. Marines would back Trump up to Hades and back, the rest of the military? Those who have seen war yes I think they would, they have seen both sides and know reality especially those who fought under Obama and seen their brothers and sisters killed and tortured for politics and remember Benghazi.

    The National Guard? I’m guessing would follow the Deep State. The Army? as whole Deep State. Whoever controls the Air Force controls the outcome as long as they have boots on the ground (marines) and maybe a good backing of the Navy.

    Hypothetically speaking of course, we are just discussing war game scenarios. The Left wants Civil War, they are pushing for it, and Obama has contingencies all over the country for that event, he militarized FEMA and has caches of weapons, ammo and military supplies all over the country.

    That’s just my opinion, I am no military expert my brother is and experts never divulge strategy that’s how you win wars and Trump knows that. Personally I see no avenue left for Trump they will impeach him to make sure he never runs for office again.

  63. Zelator says:

    LOL CD. Your brother knows about Trump …………… what’s more important to you sir, Global Warming or Global slavery?

  64. CD Marshall says:

    LOL they are both the same. Without Trump NWO has nothing holding it back and as witht he Deep State, nothing is ever as it seems, for all we really know Trump could be on it.

    Slaves don’t question the masters.

  65. Zelator says:

    CD get your brother on here and tell us how it is. We need insiders. Honestly it would be a great help.

  66. CD Marshall says:

    He would never do it, he does give me links that’s about it, everything else is face to face. All I know is if it all ends up South I follow his lead.

  67. CD Marshall says:

    The Republican purge has started, we are at war.

  68. CD Marshall says:

    I think this guy sums it up…

  69. Sorry where is this climate Adam link?

  70. CD Marshall says:

    I restrained from replying, he irked me so I needed to chill out. Then I figured you might want to take this yourself first, since he portrayed a classic duck and cover all the pretending he took the moral high ground.

    His comments are under the first comment, pinned by Climate Adam.

  71. “Actually it’s climate science which pontificates outside of its knowledge base. Astrophysics is a core science field where Thermodynamics and planetary physics are studied and researched at the very highest levels available, whereas one may attain a degree in meteorology with only a first year undergrad course in physics and no formal Thermodynamics training whatsoever. And it shows. Climate science is flat earth theory and is the quackest science ever produced by amateurs. See my channel for videos hilariously exposing the flat earth quack science of “climate change”.”

  72. CD Marshall says:

    This is my reply I’m reserving for now…

    “You do realize you just portrayed the Straw Man alibi and circled the wagons of consensus science without actually using one shred of science to back yourself up?

    Neat trick did you learn that at climate (parties) conferences?

    Last time I checked in thermodynamics a radiative body cannot increase its own temperature in nature without some form of work. Yes quantum mechanics covers that as well, E=hv: Radiation is quantized into photons whose energy is proportional to frequency.

    So yes the Greenhouse Gas Effect cannot hold up to real science or physics, yet you guys still cling to an outdated archaic form of science and claim its reality.

    Yes I have discussed this with PhDs and they did not make a case for it at all. Peer Pal review endorsing each other over a fictitious science they all adhere to is not science by the way, its politics.

    I get it you are afraid to debate Postma, I would to if I was holding up pseudo science and didn’t want people to see through me but the unwillingness to debate is making the case he is right and you guys wrong.

    His religious beliefs or his psychology are his own as are everyone else’s, but science is science.

    An honest debate on climate science for some reason seems impossible for your side to do. Why is that? Because the science is only settled when you refuse to debate those ideas outside your peer group? How sad is that?”

  73. CD Marshall says:

    That is very well done and diplomatic.

  74. CD Marshall says:

  75. That retard replied over there CD. Check it. The climate Adam comment…

  76. boomie789 says:

    More perspective on Simon Parkes. Make of this what you will. I’ve linked him as well and he has my attention too. He does kind of remind me of Bob Lazar though who I know for sure is a fraud. Not saying Simon is one. He caught a lot of flak recently for saying he spoke with Q. The video Zelator linked he clarified who he spoke with.

    “His religious beliefs or his psychology are his own as are everyone else’s, but science is science.”

    That whole response is a really good CD Marshall, well done.

  77. CD Marshall says:

    So Joseph I laid out a series of question/assertions based on the AGW “science” let’s see some trolls spin!

  78. I commented twice with the CoS account and once with my name account on the yt thread this morning. Do they show up?? Some of my comments were shadow banned yesterday it seemed. I used a VPN from Spain to check and couldn’t see a couple.

    Note how this random internet freak has the total rundown on me even including a note about the Hockney/Illuminism books? They give themselves and their coordination away! Losers.

  79. boomie789 says:

    I see them.

  80. Joseph E Postma says:

    OK thx.

  81. CD Marshall says:

    It would be easy (relatively for a physicist or even advanced math skills) to figure out the average energy CO2 re-emits by a parcel of air using the proper laws and rules and basing it on the global average.

    You only have to calculate per second in joules.

    The problem is the spectrum that CO2 absorbs from the planet is pretty basic, the emissions of the CO2 is based on temperature of the parcel after kinetic energy has increased its state.

    So according to a spectral calculator, peak emissions would be around 10.06 micron/0.12324 eV
    and then calculate the particle velocity.

    According to Avogadro’s number, the amount of CO2 per parcel is pretty set in the lower troposphere.

    So someone has figured this out already (I’m sure), and using the amount of CO2 and increase percent, it is easy to calculate the amount of energy increased per parcel.

    The results would be interesting.

    Did I miss anything?

  82. Haha sound familiar!?

    Talk about a description of the tactics of the left, and climate alarmists…lol.

  83. Jyoti Schon says:

    Joe, I am not as hopeful as you appear to be. Just look at what all the so called scientists have done to germ theory and Koch’s Postulates in order to create a Corona panic. Nobody seems to be able to put a stop to their madness either. So that makes it two giant monsters to do battle with for one entire generation at least. I am afraid it might be easier to round up all the crazies into reeducation camps rather than rebuilding an entire educational system.

  84. We live in the stupidest period of human history. Stupidity is dangerous. These people plan to leave the earth a barren rock.

  85. CD Marshall says:

    Interesting post from 2015

    Hardly anyone even knows what the Maxwell gravito-thermal theory is or that it ever existed. I bet most think the ghge and that is the same thing.

  86. CD Marshall says:

    You’re on that list by the way.

  87. CD Marshall says:

    I like this comment…
    CO2 does indeed absorb and emit as much 15 micron IR “as it can,” but CO2 is a mere passive IR radiator that merely delays passage of radiative heat loss to space by a few milliseconds, easily reversed and erased at night.

    In addition, increased CO2 increased Cp, which is inversely related to temperature change by the lapse rate equation

    dT/dh = -g/Cp

    thus increased GHGs decrease the lapse rate, increase convective cooling of the surface.

    Please read why Maxwell, the most famous physicist in history on the topics of heat and radiation knew way back in 1872 why the Poisson relation and gravito-thermal effect alone explains the atmosphere, and also see the Poisson relation also perfectly describes 2 additional planets not in the paper discussed in this post.

  88. J Cuttance says:

    Mr Postma, I’ve read ‘In the Cold Light of Day’ and am waiting for my workmate to finish it and give it back so I can go over the maths. I’m not sure about the hidden variable stuff, but I’m only a B.Sc(chem) so don’t expect much. I’m also a reasonable journalist and I know good logo when I see one.

    Whatever movement or group you want to convene, your hemispheric model, perhaps minus the sun which is unnecessary for the purpose, is the go. It draws immediate attention to the thermodynamic truth of the matter at hand. It’s also plenty yellow and black, ancap-py if you will.

    We do need to get on the strategic defensive. Dissident thought itself is clearly going to be targeted.

  89. Hi J Cuttance,

    Is this model pared down enough:

    Certainly I can easily pare that down to the basics, just leaving the colors and remove almost everything, and then yah that would turn it into a symbol which has reams to say behind it IF you know what it stands for. That’s a neat idea.

    Here’s the basic thing for example:

    But yah…that’s a wonderful idea. Start a movement with a logo something like this. Behind it, it stands for the complete destruction of lies, sophistry, pseudoscience, political hijacking of science, exposes flaws with the scientific method and academia, etc. A simple symbol that wouldn’t be recognizable for what it stands for to the average person…but to those who know, it means almost everything possible…! It represents resistance, revolution, intelligence, forthrightness, intellectual righteousness, etc.

  90. Also, if you haven’t watched this yet:

  91. Maybe if I took this one and blurred it and digitized it a bit. I know someone, Robert Kernodle, who has graphics skills…he did the front cover of my “light of day” book.

  92. Joseph E Postma says:

    I could form a group of berserker ragers whose mission it is to destroy flat Earth theory. It sounds funny. We could wear horns, and crazy animal bone masks, and metal armor, and carry maces. All quite hilarious. Until you realize who it targets…and then you need to think about what it’s all on about. Uh oh…tricked people into thinking via spectacle. This is good!

  93. I mean literally, at this point, all we have to do is say that we don’t believe flat earth theory. That is really the only statement we need to make on any YT vid, any website, etc. It’s flat earth theory; we don’t believe in flat earth theory. QED. We don’t even need to provide any details…except maybe just a book reference. Like this:

    It’s flat earth theory; we don’t believe in flat earth theory.

  94. Joseph E Postma says:

    More with that crazy commenter:

    [edit – meant to link to comment…I guess it just pulls up the video embed instead…go check the pinned comment at the vid]

  95. boomie789 says:

    The Propertarian guys scored a really good interview. Must watch.

  96. CD Marshall says:

    I am amazed how far gone these people are. They have convinced themselves that emotional convictions is now scientific verification.

    “If I feel the science is right well then it is right!”

  97. CD Marshall says:

    This troll I’m dealing with is an idiot who claims he’s a biochemist but can’t grasp the simplest of terms between thermodynamics and conservation of energy. He doesn’t learn anything he just twists and contorts anything said, deliberately misinterprets it and claims I said something I didn’t to lure me into claiming I made a mistake.

    Of course he says you are wrong. He has asked why the surface is 288K and not 255K. I explained over and over and over again, he twists my replies and claims I never answered the question. I call him ‘Jen the Troll.’ he’s an activist often pops up with ‘friend of science’ or real friend of science or something like that, who has frequented your posts, could be the same guy under different pseudos. Both are dumb as nails at times.

    You can find the chat under here…

    The comments are under yet another activist troll, @Lorne Vaasjo

  98. CD Marshall says:

    His original attack on you,
    “You’re one to talk about scientific training. You never completed any degree in physics.

    Postma by the way has no PhD, and never published in peer-reviewed journals, yet yiu regard him an authority, even though above mentioned papers by NASA prove you wrong, and NASA is critical of their own models (as scientists should).”

  99. CD Marshall says:

    Reading this,”The surface temperature, calculated by assuming a perfect blackbody radiating the same amount of energy per unit area as the star, is known as the effective temperature of the star.”

    Is why they are getting away with claiming conservation of energy and thermal equilibrium justify the ghge.

    The effective bb temperature is not the surface, its the global temperature. Thus they are claiming like Jensun the Troll, the effective bb of 254K should be the average surface temperature.

    Just wow

  100. Jopo says:

    Love it CD
    They have convinced themselves that emotional convictions is now scientific verification.

    Please allow me to quote this.

  101. CD Marshall says:

    Go ahead, no quotes needed in my case never needed. Anything to help the cause against stupid science.

  102. boomie789 says:

  103. CD Marshall says:

    After spelling this out to Jen the Troll, a scientist in biochemistry…

    Gravity/adiabatic/compression the closer to the center of mass you get the warmer the air becomes, the farther away the cooler. In physics its called the Maxwell gravito-thermal theory it has also been coined the Maxwell gravito-thermal greenhouse effect theory. Richard Feynman mentioned the mechanics of the process a few times.

    6 basic processes determine a change in troposphere air temperature and of those processes only one does it without the addition of energy. Not one of these processes is the ghge or even supports the theory of the ghge.

    5 are a diabatic process, “A thermodynamic change of state of a system in which the system exchanges energy with its surroundings by virtue of a temperature difference between them”.


    Solar irradiance heats the Earth’s surface and by contact the lower troposphere.


    That hot air rises.


    Horizontal movement of air.


    Exchanging thermal energy to space. Radiation is thermal energy transferred away from Earth by the emissions of electromagnetic waves to space and the only means of emissions of energy off the planet.

    80% of the EM radiation escapes to space through the open atmospheric window between 8-13 micron.

    The 20% that is intercepted by greenhouse gases has created an entire branch of incorrect climate science.

    Latent Heat:

    The water phase which transfers en masse thermal energy from the surface to the atmosphere and powers our climate via the Hadley cells.

    Adiabatic Process: “A process in which there is no exchange of heat or mass with the environment. In an adiabatic process, a change in internal energy is solely a consequence of work. For an ideal gas and most atmospheric conditions, compression results in warming, whereas expansion results in cooling.”

    Without work from the outside only this process remains, air expands as it rises and compresses as that air descends. Thus the troposphere functions as a Carnot cycle (as atmospheric science teaches):

    Reversible isothermal expansion
    Reversible adiabatic expansion
    Reversible isothermal compression
    Reversible adiabatic compression

    Now the lapse rate, “The decrease of an atmospheric variable with height, the variable being temperature, unless otherwise specified.” Is reversible, meaning: “Thus the same parcel of air at the surface is warmer than it is as it rises in the atmosphere, just as the potential energy of that parcel of air declines as it moves back towards the earth’s surface. The lapse rate cools the hotter air as it rises and warms it as it lowers.”

    Kinetic energy/potential energy.

  104. CD Marshall says:

    This was Jen the Troll’s reply…

    “And finally, you still haven’t provided proof of gravity or geothermal energy causing this magical generation of energy.

    EDIT: Ughhhh, “so you think the GHGE warms the earth more than the actual sun”?

    Simple math. Is 254 K more, or less than 33K? I attribute 33K to the greenhouse effect, and 254K to the sun. Critical thinking definitely is not your strongest suit…

    It’s very simple, it’s the greenhouse effect. If 200 scientific institutes with credentials, expertise and intelligence higher than yours say it is, have proof it is, and all around the world agree, and you, without any scientific understanding thinks it’s not, claims different reasons, which do not hold up to the laws of physics, maybe you are just…. wrong.”

  105. CD Marshall says:

    So I responded with…
    Learn some physics and get back to me.

    Then challenge me on the science that I can back up even though I am not a scientist.

    Go figure.


    Because anyone can debunk something that doesn’t exist.

    …and by all means show Postma how smart you think you are lol lol lol comment too while you are they’re.

    What is Heat? Using the Laws of Physics for Climate Rationalism (something you have still not proven you understand.)

    What is Heat Transfer? (And what happened to Academics?)

    Which is why you don’t understand what you are talking about in climate science to the point you actually think you are smarter than Feynman.

  106. J Cuttance says:

    Joseph, re logo…Yes that’s what I had in mind. For simplicity’s sake the blue, I presume, atmospheric bit could be pared off. In my mind’s eye the whole earth was rotating within the inner circle.

  107. CD Marshall says:

    Jensen the Troll, like all of these activists, is losing it. NOW he claims you aren’t a scientist. I think you should invite him for a debate and tutor him on what an actual effective blackbody represents.
    Which I’d enjoy that too, actually.

    The Moon’s surface average doesn’t even add up to its effective bb. Obviously (I’m assuming) because even the lunar surface can hold some thermal energy.

    Again, go here…

    Yes your pal Spency is on the thumbnail.

    Under Lorne Vaasjo +45 comments

  108. CD Marshall says:

    This is hilarious, from a Climate Physics lecture by Professor Jin Yi Yu, the evaporation of water vapor reduces the global average by over 75%.

    “Without the evaporation process, the global surface temperature would be 67C instead of the actual 15C”

  109. CD Marshall @ 2021/01/15 at 5:28 PM
    Great list. I have booked marked this.
    Suggest that you add:
    It is impossible to radiate potential energy, so when held at elevation in a convection cell the former kinetic energy of the rising air mass is now locked into the air parcel by virtue of its position. This stored energy can only be released when the air descends and it losses potential energy but regains kinetic energy.

  110. CD Marshall says:

    Thank you Philip 🙂

  111. Joseph E Postma says:

    Wow you’ve been going at it there CD. Yes that troll started commenting at my YT too…

  112. CD Marshall says:

    Any discreteness I should know about it? Errors I need correcting?

  113. Joseph E Postma says:

    All good afaik 🙂

  114. CD Marshall says:

    Can you give me a better explanation for an effective blackbody temperature. I’m going to look at one of your older videos again as refresher, but in studying the mainstream explanation they say it is the surface temperature of a star or a planet without an atmosphere.

    However the Moon’s average temperature is not the effective bb temperature. The average is warmer (well still freezing) but not the same thing as the surface average.

  115. CD Marshall says:

    Oh and all comments increase algorithms even troll comments, so if you want more circulation you need more comments but just like Heller, I’m sure you are throttled anyway.

  116. CD Marshall says:

    So the effective bb temperature is the average output of energy out to space from the surface, not the actual surface temperature or the surface average temperature.

    Which is why the Moon’s average is higher than the effective bb, even the Moon holds some thermal energy on the surface of the side facing the Sun.

    An atmosphere will help slow convection and/or the overall emissivity of the surface in determining total thermal energy absorbed and the rate of cooling back to space.

    How’s that?

  117. CD Marshall says:

    …and an atmosphere can reduce overall incoming solar radiation.

  118. Trying to find time for a better reply. The claim that it’s the surface temperature without an atmosphere is asinine and retarded and fn braindead.

    The EFFECTIVE bb temperature is the temperature that a blackbody would be, that the smooth Planck curve would be emitting, if the less-smooth jagged measured spectral emission would be if its total energy were emitting like a smooth Planck curve. Stars emitting similarly to a bb but not perfectly, and so the idea is, IF they emitted perfectly like a smooth bb Planck curve, what would that temperature effectively be given the total emission of its measured output? You integrate the bb Planck curve over all wavelengths to get the total emission, the resulting equation being the S-B Law. F = sigmaT^4.

    It doesn’t require a surface or imply one at all. Stars don’t have surfaces.

  119. CD Marshall says:

    This is from Oxford…
    “The temperature that the surface of a body (such as a planet, like the Earth) would be if it were not warmed by its own atmosphere. It can be calculated using the Stefan–Boltzmann equation. The black body temperature of the Earth is -23°C, but the actual surface temperature is about 15°C. The difference (38°C) is the amount by which the planet is warmed by the absorption of radiation within its atmosphere, by the natural greenhouse effect.”

    Complete nonsense.

  120. That is entirely a corruption of what it means.

    Of course they want to conflate things, and mix up the ground surface with something else that has nothing to do with it.

    It’s like saying that the ground surface is where the average of the atmosphere is.

  121. CD Marshall says:

    Maybe a short video?

    …or a long one.

    Or just a post.

  122. CD Marshall says:

    Just in the first paragraph…

    “A new assessment of NASA’s record of [global temperatures] revealed that the agency’s estimate of Earth’s long-term temperature rise in recent decades is accurate to within less than a tenth of a degree Fahrenheit, providing confidence that past and future research is correctly capturing rising [surface temperatures].”

    Switched from global to surface in one paragraph. GISS would show this because they manipulated previous temperatures to make it look it is warming.

    “The study also confirms what researchers have been saying for some time now: that Earth’s global temperature increase since 1880 – about 2 degrees Fahrenheit, or a little more than 1 degree Celsius – cannot be explained by any uncertainty or error in the data. Going forward, this assessment will give scientists the tools to explain their results with greater confidence.”

    Yet the global temperature has actually dropped a degree.


  123. CD Marshall says:

    So I read in a copy of a seminar on climate physics, that water vapor at the equator removes around 75% of the surface heat by the Sun. If it were not so, the global average surface temperature would be 67 Celsius instead of 15C.

    Admitting they don’t endorses their own doctrine of the greenhouse gas effect.

    Then gain, they also said heat is one form on internal energy {sigh} so?

    Who did the actual seminar I don’t know but professor Jin Yi Yu (Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of Washington) was mentioned a few times and he is {if I am not mistaken} a huge endorser of climate change and AGW.

  124. Leon says:

    What are the responses you guys get when you tell alarmists they invert output for input? They don’t really comprehend what you’re saying do they? They parrot back some mumbo jumbo about equilibrium and disappear. ie:
    ” In thermal equilibrium power from the surface equals total power that goes to the surface from the outside. That means a blackbody cannot become infinitely hot. input power/meter^2 = output power/meter ^2 summed over frequencies absorbed”

    “It is the greenhouse effect that keeps our average temperature at 288 K above 33 K above the blackbody temperature 255 K”

    “The temperature determines output by Stefan Bloltmann. Radiational equilibrium is determined when the energy input flux (measured in water/meter^2) equal the energy output flux (measured by watts/meater^2) So input does indirectly determine output . In equilibrium input energy flux (provided by the Sun) equals output energy flux provided by the warmed up Earth.”

    These were the responses to my “Explain -18 input”. In hindsight after watching the video, the last response could have been easily handled because clearly, both fluxes are not equal. I wish I had said that. Too late, climtard vanished.

  125. Leon says:

    “Simple math. Is 254 K more, or less than 33K? I attribute 33K to the greenhouse effect, and 254K to the sun. Critical thinking definitely is not your strongest suit…”

    Just go back and ask him how you feel heat from the sun if it only provides 254 and mention something about critical thinking. Tell him dog owners can now leave their pooches in the car with windows up because 254 can’t heat up a car.

  126. Leon,
    The issue is really about Luminance (or perhaps simply Brightness).
    They are conflating the intensity of visible Solar radiation at the Earth’s surface with the intensity of Terrestrial thermal radiation.
    Here is an example radiation balance for the Earth from the DAET climate model:
    Sunlit hemisphere (1/2 globe) average input insolation 472 W/m2
    Day hemisphere (1/2 globe) average terrestrial radiation 290 W/m2
    Night hemisphere (1/2 globe) average terrestrial radiation 182 W/m2
    290 + 182 = 472
    So the re-post is “Energy Balance not Intensity Equivalence”

  127. CD Marshall says:

    When you start trying to explain density flux these guys go back to making their Lego Deathstar.

  128. CD Marshall says:

    I left a comment on a climate scientist’s post about how I haven’t met a climate scientist yet who is willing to discuss a difference of views in an an open discussion on the science and it would be refreshing to find one.

    He deleted my comment lol gold!

  129. It’s so obviously all a protection racket!

  130. CD Marshall says:

    On that seminar I spoke of and which was caught up in the nether twice, they stated the Sun(yes the Sun) evaporates up to 3 meters of ocean water a year which is typically re-distributed globally at around the same amount as precipitation.

    They said the standard surface temperature without evaporation would be 67 Celsius, not 15C.

    They 100% know the Sun heats the Earth.

  131. Indeed. Yet they also seem unable to function without maintaining deep cognitive dissonance.

  132. CD Marshall says:

    It reminds me of the times in my youth I’d be scrambling for work looking all over for my keys and realizing I already had them in my hand. They are looking for answers somewhere else when the answer is directly under them and they don’t notice it. However, if a third party pointed out the keys are in your hands, thy simply deny it and say you are not qualified to say the keys are in my hands.

    Which makes me think of Robert K, I miss his witty anecdotes.

  133. CD Marshall says:

    Yeah Joseph, I realized last night as I was studying, that Dr. Berry, a climatologist with a PhD and a consultant of AMS, had to publish his other work outside of climate journals that disagreed with the consensus narrative.

    That says a lot.

    I was also thinking another interesting project would be proving the density flux of the Sun over the tropics, as a “teaching tool” of the power of the Sun. Not connecting the dots per se, but bringing the facts w/o making the interjection obvious.

    Still couldn’t find a happy medium about the effective blackbody. They mix all the words up like it all means the same thing. Surface temperature, global temperature, if it had no atmosphere, every source presented another variation.


    “The effective temperature of a body such as a star or planet is the temperature of a black body that would emit the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation.”


    “Although stars are not perfect blackbodies, they can be approximated as such, allowing us to calculate their surface temperature via the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: L=4 Pi R^2 Sigma T^4 e
    The surface temperature, calculated by assuming a perfect blackbody radiating the same amount of energy per unit area as the star, is known as the effective temperature of the star.”

    Springer Link
    Encyclopedia of Astrobiology:

    “The effective temperature of a star is the temperature of a Black Body of the same size as the star and that would radiate the same total amount of electromagnetic power as emitted by the star.”

    “The temperature that the surface of a body (such as a planet, like the Earth) would be if it were not warmed by its own atmosphere. It can be calculated using the Stefan–Boltzmann equation. The black body temperature of the Earth is -23°C, but the actual surface temperature is about 15°C. The difference (38°C) is the amount by which the planet is warmed by the absorption of radiation within its atmosphere, by the natural greenhouse effect.”

    Planetary Geology:
    (University of Maryland)

    Effective temperature: The ideal temperature at which a planet precisely re-radiates all of the energy it receives from the sun.


    Effective Radiation Level (ERL) Temperature

    Too much to give a short answer.

  134. CD Marshall says:

    No one honest o heart or sound of mind can look at this…;24;1&l=temperature-2m&t=20210118/0100

    and not see the Sun heats the Earth.

  135. CD Marshall says:

    Possibly the most educated man in law in the US with more degrees than most Leftists have in IQ.

  136. Zelator says:

    The false armageddon conspiracy : alarmists who demand absolute power to dominate, transform and control
    every aspect of our lives. i.e radical socialists, the NWO crew, the illuminati, the locusts from the pit.

    President Trump passed a law that ANY foreign interference in the US election will null and void it. Therefore any proof of the above, will prohibit Biden from becoming President. Also the USA Corporation was dismantled 18months ago. There cannot be any legitimate election at this moment in time. There WILL be Transition of Power from the US Corporation to the New US Republic. It will probably be temporarily in Military transition control.

    This is from Benjamin Fulfords Latest Newsletter:

    The Document notice 3rd to last line …last updated 22/6/2016… much for origin at Wuhan in 2019 hence COVID19.

    Below is the scan of a patent for a “Covid-19” test that was registered by Richard A Rothschild in 2016,
    three years before the so-called pandemic broke out. Take a look at the third line from the bottom: “Last updated 22.06.2016.”

    Covid Test Patent: remove the brackets for the pdf.

    We ( Benjamin Fulford) made a hard copy of this patent registration because we are sure once this is exposed they will break into the database and try to alter the dates.

    According to Charlie Ward the FCC has authorised the MSM to cease broadcasting from 8am US time, probably Washington DC time tomorrow as Special Broadcast will be aired for 72 hrs min.

  137. Zelator says:

    This from Robert David Steele today:

  138. Zelator says:

    Joe if you ever need evidence that the books that you endorse by the illuminati on this site, are actually satanic, is to read their recently endorsed vampire aka demon books ( endorsed on they have released that tell us exactly who they are.

    They ARE the locusts from the pit. Read the books.. I have . They think of us as ants. Colonies.
    They are the first inhabitants of this world. Demons. Humanity is a God creation. The second inhabitants of this earth. ( see the Bible- New Testament)

    We are separate. They hunt us for our souls. This is what Kleck is saying. God is discerning, he awakens us..

  139. Zelator says:

    This is their facebook page… These are the Hockney Authors of the books Joe endorses:
    I know Joe has had contact with beings attached to this authority as have I.

  140. Zelator says:

    You can ban me Joe. But I have made my point. Rather than ban me, let us divulge exactly what we know? Is that a deal?

  141. boomie789 says:

    Here is another perspective.

    Just 24hr left.

  142. boomie789 says:

    I’ll link this one too. Dr. Steve Pieczenik vs. Alex Jones on Q.

  143. fgsjr2015 says:

    Whether it’s Europe’s hottest year on record, unprecedented wildfires in California/Cascadia, unprecedented stalling hurricanes, off-the-chart poor-air advisories, the mass deforestation and incineration of the Amazonian rainforest (home to a third of all known terrestrial plant, animal and insect species), record-breaking flooding in Europe, single-use plastics clogging life-bearing waters, a B.C. (2019) midsummer’s snowfall, the gradually dying endangered whale species or geologically invasive/destructive fracking or a myriad of other categories of large-scale toxic pollutant emissions and dumps—there’s discouragingly insufficient political courage/will to sufficiently address the cause-and-effect of manmade global warming and climate change.

    To me, our existence has for too long been analogous to a cafeteria lineup consisting of diversely societally represented people, all adamantly arguing over which identifiable traditionally marginalized person should be at the front and, conversely, at the back of the line. Many of them further fight over to whom amongst them should go the last piece of quality pie and how much should they have to pay for it—all the while the interstellar spaceship on which they’re all permanently confined, owned and operated by (besides the most wealthy) the fossil fuel industry, is on fire and toxifying at locations not normally investigated.

  144. Carbon dioxide is plant food. It’s helping what is otherwise a CO2 starved biome. It’s helping save the planet.

  145. boomie789 says:

  146. CD Marshall says:

  147. boomie789 says:

    [video src="" /]


  148. Joseph E Postma says:


  149. boomie789 says:

    Finally, I was able to browse Gab. Found this.

  150. Zelator says:

    God Bless President Trump.

  151. Zelator says:

    Haha did you hear Mr PRESIDENT Trump say that he believes the new administration would do a very good job, as he had set the foundations. He NEVER said the Biden administration, he implied the NESARA Administration. Pull the MSM plug Donald, lets put an end to this Clown World Shit Show of an inauguration.

  152. Zelator says:

    Lock them up, Lock them up, Lock them up!!

  153. Zelator says:

    The Treason is not complete until the final inauguration. Note the yellow tassels of the OLD corrupt corporation.

  154. Zelator says:

  155. Zelator says:

    Yeh Boomie seen that. It’s disturbing.

  156. boomie789 says:

    Part 2

  157. CD Marshall says:

    No science fiction story I have ever written is as bizarre as the reality we are now facing and I wrote a story about a giant mechanical clown with swinging arms and a human brain (grown in a brain pit) for Gad’s sake!

    Actually it was a nightmare I had that I turned into a short story.

    You no longer need to sleep to have nightmares anymore and we are surrounded by climate clowns, globalists and Elites with minds formed in a pit.

    Now when I sleep it is to avoid the nightmare.

  158. CD Marshall says:

    He let facts get in the way of a good pandemic, I hate when that happens!

  159. Barry says:

    One day and we have cancelled Keystone. I’m sure by next week we will have Americans building windmills so no more need of fossil fuels. Oh,that’s right unless you want epoxy for blades,iron ore for steel,coking coal and thermal for furnaces,limestone to make cement all this is done with diesel fuelled mining equipment but never mind we can drive around in electric cars and eat carrots growing in the ditch. That’s right all that agricultural equipment runs on diesel or charge your 800 hp tractor every 6 minutes. These are the stupidest people on earth to think that we can run the world on non existent renewable power.

  160. Zelator says:

    Keep the Faith.

    Seems the inauguration was pre-recorded, and not live. This verifies out as I had SKY news on the TV and Fox news on my Computer. Both said live stream,
    but both had different stream content! They couldn’t even co-ordinate that properly lol.

    The Military will transition into power today from 12pm. Pete Gaynor Head of FEMA and Christopher Miller are in charge of the country.
    Miller effectively transitioned fom Acting Secretary of Defence yesterday, and replaced in name only by Biden’s man who is powerless David Norquist.
    Military have control not Norquist. Fema will control the tribunals and Miller is in charge of the National Guard. The troops are loyal to
    their commanders, not Biden as he was proved corrupt, and Trump renounced his Presidency yesterday in order for the troops to do the dirty work.
    Then He will be inaugurated as the President with Mike Pompeo as Vice President. General Flynn will be in charge of implementing Nesara worldwide as Ambassador. This will all be done by 11th March as a target date.

    Also, The high security fence is to stop people leaving, and not to keep people from coming in. Read into that what you will.

    This from the horse’s mouth Cartoon News Network ( CNN ):

    However tit for tat:

    “The Pentagon blocked members of President Joe Biden’s incoming administration from gaining access to critical information about current operations, including the troop drawdown in Afghanistan, upcoming special operations missions in Africa and the Covid-19 vaccine distribution program, according to new details provided by transition and defense officials”.

    X22 Report confirm what Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes said in the first Video above.

    Here’s a good summary and timeline of events:

  161. Zelator says:

    Here’s the latest intel, just released information by Simon Parkes which confirms in a bit more detail that which I wrote about above. It does seem there was a hiccup yesterday but the main plan is still in place according to Simon.

    God I really pray this come off!

  162. Zelator says:

    I would just like to add that I am so appreciative of our host Joseph that allows us to post our comments on his blog. It is his name that WordPress have as host if they ever wanted to copy suit and de-platform due to his content, like the Socialist Big Brother censorship we have seen lately.

    I do however dislike his Illuminism book authors lol, but I completely understand why Joe recommends that we read them, as it is their playbook and theology. I have read them all, including their new work that I spoke about here recently. It is necessary to know your enemy.

    Some of their concepts are adapted from historical authors and presented as new. If you cross reference Kleck’s work, which me and Joe have pointed out occasionally on this blog, with these guys you won’t go far wrong from identifying the dark evil presence hiding behind, pulling the strings, and manipulating this world’s corrupt leaders, not just over the past hundreds
    of years in democratic history, but thousands of years in pre-history dating back to Egypt and Sumer.

    Joe has my utmost respect for his work on combatting the human caused climate alarm hoax, and he is 100% correct in his fight which as we all know is implicated in the Globalist agenda we see in play at the moment.

    So I just want to put to bed any ideas that I am critical of him or his work; far from it, I see him as a hero, and a man I can put my trust in to tell the truth.

    Thankyou for reading my posts and thankyou Joe for putting up with me.. we are on the same side.

    God Bless.


  163. I’m just a man trying to make his way in the universe…

  164. Zelator says:

    You are a special man. Your soul has an important message here at this time. We all have our parts to play. We are born to fulfil our destinies. However “most men go to their graves with their song still in them”. Henry Thoreau.

  165. Zelator says:

    You should really do some numerology on your name and date of birth. You will be amazed as to how accurate the math knows your strengths, weaknesses, destiny and choices. It is incredibly accurate as Pythagoras realised. The best author is Kevin Quinn Avery, he is the authority on numerology. If you can get his book “The Numbers of Life” it is a fascinating read, and uncanningly accurate.

  166. Zelator says:

    This is the ontological code of how you as a soul perform in this world. Your programmed soul contract and your strengths( weapons) and your weak points ( Kryptonite). It’s all in the numbers.
    The illuminati rephrased this ancient technology as Ontological Maths but it has been know since
    humanities creation. It’s the God Formula, but it is not satanic, but Christos.

  167. Zelator says:

    I will stop now as I don’t want to come across a a woo woo merchant. I am not interested in selling anything or convincing anyone to follow any path, its all personal, its our own journey, we have our own stories, take care, be safe and trust your intuition.

  168. boomie789 says:

    Nobody is going to save us.
    It’s up to us.

    “They’re a leaderless, angry, economically and politically ostracized mob, traumatized by the destruction of their history, traditions, religion, and culture, and a disorganize mob of an army lacking thought leaders, group leaders, and enough worldly experience to act on their own. Too much macho, not enough discipline, too evangelical on one and, or too militant on the other.”

    -Curt Doolittle

  169. Zelator says:

    And that is why the Propertarian ( illuminati) movement is a crock of shit. Showing their true colours for all to see.

  170. Zelator says:

    Curt Doolittle Jacobin insurgent. Adam Weishaupt in disguise. Zionist Shill.

  171. Zelator says:

    Fucking wake up#

  172. Zelator says:

    The Art Of Persistence by Wire:

  173. Zelator says:

    All is Atum, I would like to add that numbers are energy too, and is a way that thoughts (words) are frequency matched to effects. Cause and effect= Ontological existence/.

    Use the Illusion: Video Below Shows Why the illuminati Want Us Trapped In Ego. Why They Despise Any Form of Switching Off From The Mind/Ego i.e Meditation and Mindfulness.

    Think about this 3d world from a 3d human point of view, we want to create stuff, and to own stuff and have power over stuff. Imagine your soul which never experienced matter before, and had no experience of “stuff” but was just a “beingness”. Now however you see this material life, it has its illlusions of pleasure and pain. Bliss, desire, however nothing lasts forever, there is a time component attached to matter, an inbuilt pleasure destroyer.

    Everything dies, decays, suffers. So from higher perspective this could be seen as hell and getting free of the body would then be seen as heaven. Gnostics said the soul had to get tired of earthly pleasure to finally give up on living in a body. ( Sin For Salvation).

    Now imagine a force that wants to have your beingness and to be like God. It can do this by hijacking Souls into materiality like Kleck says and combining all their power together like a demi-God. They then exist as a controller, a cabal, a satanic force.

  174. Zelator says:

    So you could just say well then if we did not think and just meditated all the time etc then what would be the point of existence. We may as well just be rocks or animals.

    Well that is just the point isn’t it, exactly. That is your choice. You choose to be a human here with all your thoughts and live with the ups and downs of material life over and over again via reincarnation, or be an angel in your home where you came from without any time and fear. How long do you live in a material world before you get fed up?

    Can you go back, if you snub an invitation to return, or are you condemned to walk the earth as a demon/vampire? The Egyptians believed you either go to the after worlds of Osirus or Set. Kleck says if you don’t get converted/born again you go to the pit (Set).

    So who is our Creator? Well the God who created the Angels. The Angels existed before the world was created. We were God’s Angels.

  175. Zelator says:

    Meditation or any form of “Getting Out Of Your Mind” is therefore seen as a connection home. Some use it as comfort, some use it as a soul recharger others use it as a channel from their higher selves. One thing we do know is that our lower selves ( we have two of us in a body) is our worst side and is controlled by the ego, and wants to control, to buy stuff , to be someone, all egotistical functions of our lower reptilian brain. A person with a dominant reptilian brain is seen as egotistical, materialist etc. Party Politics attracts certain mind sets.

  176. OK Z please cease and desist now with the woo-woo meanderings. None of it is verifiable, and especially it is not actionable. You can’t DO anything with all the stuff you post, hence it is useless. No need to respond. Just stop.

    We CAN do things with debunking climate alarm, and there is action which can be taken which leads to useful improvements. All this woo-woo esoteric stuff leads nowhere…which is in fact the point of it all.

    We CAN do things with ontological mathematics. We can NOT do anything with woo-woo talk about the authors and imagining their intents, etc.

  177. boomie789 says:

    “Right leaning is avoiding big issues. Far right getting labeled conspiracy theorists, so we need to proceed as the Smart Right. Sanity Signals and Sense Making, delivered with humor.”


  178. boomie789 says:

    “The sad thing is that they’ve woven truths in with the lies, namely the fact that a pædophilic, satanic cult does in fact hold the reins.

    As Q is discredited, people will assume this fact was also a lie, and so The Cabal covers its tracks, all the while thousands upon thousands of children continue simply to vanish.

    That is something I find very sad.”

    -A Propertarian

    The last highlighted bit jumps out to me. General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, there must be SOMETHING to this thing?

  179. CD Marshall says:

    Climate Science Math:

    I have a 100 dollars.
    I withdraw a 100 from the bank.
    I spend 80 dollars.
    I return the 20 dollars back to the bank.
    How much do I now have in the bank?

    120 dollars.

  180. Philip Mulholland says:

    Hi CDM
    Sorry, but your wrong. The correct answer is $125.
    Here’s why:
    Each day you receive the fixed amount of $100 (inflow).
    Each day you spend the fixed 80% of what you have in your account (outflow).
    So on Day 1 you start with $100, you spend $80 and have $20 left (retention).
    On Day 2 you start with $120, you spend $96 and have $24 left.
    On Day 3 you start with $124, you spend $99.20 and have $24.8 left.
    And so on
    By Day 11 the system has pretty much stabilized.
    Each day after that you start with $100 (inflow) you spend $100 (outflow) and you are left with $25 (retention) for the next day.

    This stabilized infinite series is the reservoir with a leaky dam problem of Hydrology and is also the basis of the DAET climate model.

  181. And the scheme only exists by not distinguishing between energy, heat, and temperature.

  182. Philip Mulholland says:

    This model is a dynamic system with a dynamic equilibrium.
    The retained $25 is the capital stored in the reservoir by the leaky dam.
    On a day by day basis it is never the same water but always the same amount is stored.
    By the same token this system model explains the thermal retention of energy stored by a dynamically heated but lossy circulating fluid (the atmosphere).

  183. And that’s why it’s wrong. Bosons don’t add that way. $100 of bosons coming to $20 dollars of the same boson frequencies doesn’t add to make $120. It actually only reaches between $100 and $20.

    Energy, temperature, and heat cannot all be analogized as a single material fermionic substance.

  184. 100 grams of water and 20 grams of water makes 120 grams of water. Fermions. Same with dollars. But 100C and 20C doesn’t make 120C. Bosons. These facts delineate the fundamentals of particle physics, matter vs energy, etc.

  185. Philip Mulholland says:

    The hot water circulating in my central heating system has a working temperature.
    It collects energy from the high temperature flame in the boiler.
    The water delivers energy to the radiator in my cold bedroom and returns to the boiler to be heated again.
    The flow is always from hot flame to cold water in the boiler which then delivers the heated water to radiator which warms my to cold room.
    No violation of your heat flow principle involved here.

  186. …..right………..and the water returned to the boiler will not become hotter than the boiler because it has retained temperature.

  187. Philip Mulholland says:

    Never said that.
    The point is we both agree that only the sunlit side of the planet (the boiler) collects the high density energy of sunlight and delivers it to the cold morning air heating it up.
    At night the now warmed air keeps the dark side of the planet warm for the start of the next day.
    The morning air, though cold still retains energy (specific heat) collected from the previous day.

  188. Yes, and all that debunks the greenhouse effect.

    You in fact did say that with your previous dynamic system analogy. And that’s what the GHE scheme is, to amplify -18C input, etc.

  189. “On Day 3 you start with $124”

    Nope. At no point do you “start” with more than the input. You can only at best get up to the input, no matter where you start from below it. “Retention” from the previous day doesn’t add with the new day’s input.

  190. Philip Mulholland says:

    The atmosphere is a dynamic system.
    It must store and retain energy to be able to function.
    It has to have working capital.

  191. Of course.

    And it doesn’t add with the new day’s input. It’s bosonic, not fermionic.

  192. Philip Mulholland says:

    On Day 3 there is $24 left over from Day 2 (the growing working capital).
    Add to that the day’s regular input of $100 and you have $124 in the account.
    The stable limit is $100 income $25 retained capital and $100 daily expenditure.

  193. Philip Mulholland says:

    The working capital of the atmosphere is its Specific Heat measured in Joules per Kilogram

  194. Temperature doesn’t add like that and the “working capital” analogy conflates energy, temperature, and heat all together.

  195. It’s an extremely poor, false analogy and CD brought it up to make fun of it, which he was correct to do.

  196. Philip Mulholland says:

    We are following the flow of energy not temperature

  197. Philip Mulholland says:

    It is a very good analogy and lies at the heart of the climate science model.
    If climate science is to be properly slain then this analogy, which they clearly use, must be thoroughly refuted by detailed analysis.

  198. Heat and temperature matter…it cannot just be treated as energy flow which therefore leaves out thermodynamics, as the climate GHE does.

    Do not just follow the flow of energy…that’s not thermodynamics and hence it isn’t physics. And it is exactly why and how heat, energy, and temperature are conflated so thank you for pointing that out.

    Indeed…you are following the flow of energy, just as the GHE and alarmism does, thereby creating something not to do with thermodynamics and hence not reality, because this procedure leaves out the distinctions of heat and temperature.

  199. And I just refuted it while you defended it. Seriously Phil…get aware!

  200. Philip Mulholland says:

    Harsh. It is 1:40am here and my kitchen is too cold. Goodnight.

  201. It’s a poor analogy to reality.

  202. Philip Mulholland says:

    Which is why climate science is junk science. Good night.

  203. CD Marshall says:

    Climate Science Math:

    I have a 100 dollars.
    I withdraw a 100 from the bank.
    I spend 80 dollars.
    I return the 20 dollars back to the bank.
    How much do I now have in the bank?

    120 dollars.

    Real answer:
    I had a 100$ it didn’t come from the bank.

  204. tom0mason says:

    Elementary learning for climate modelers …

  205. CD Marshall says:

    So keeping a house warm in winter isn’t based on insulation by itself, but what that insulation performs, which is maintaining an increased pressure inside your house to the outside of the house.

    If you could maintain that increased pressure efficiently, you cut cost to the heating of the house.

    A 20% difference in warmer inside air to colder outside air increases pressure inside the house by 7.3%.

    Our lapse rate is a natural temperature regulator.


  206. CD Marshall says:

    On his very first day in office, Joe Biden destroyed 11,000 American jobs and $1.6 BILLION in wages when he halted construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

    Despite the fact that the project would have ZERO carbon emissions, with one stroke of a pen, Biden TOOK AWAY thousands of jobs and INCREASED energy costs.

  207. boomie789 says:

    Let’s see what Biden has to say about that…

    Well said Biden, well said.

  208. J Cuttance says:

    This piece from 2012 was re-posted on Jo Nova’s site recently…
    …and what struck me was the 1.1C increase assumed for every doubling of the CO2 concentration.
    “The direct effect of CO2 is well-established physics, based on laboratory results, and known for over a century.[2]”
    …and in the References…[2] The direct effect of CO2 is the same for each doubling of the CO2 level (that is, logarithmic). Calculations of the increased surface temperature due to of a doubling of the CO2 level vary from 1.0°C to 1.2°C. In this document we use the midpoint value 1.1°C; which value you use does not affect the arguments made here.
    …there was no well established physical test or laboratory results, methodology or suggestion of how it related to the atmosphere.

  209. Leon says:

    Get a load of these responses.

    CO2 does not “induce” warming. THe point you don’t seem to understand is that the earth captures shortwave radiation from the sun, warming the surface. The earth’s surface, acting as a black body, warms the atmosphere from below, from re-radiating the heat it captures from the sun and re-emitting it back into space as longwave infrared radiation.
    CO2 acts like a blanket does on your body. It keeps your heat from escaping back out into the air, keeping you warm by not allowing your body heat to escape.
    CO2 keeps the IR heat radiating from the surface back out into space. the troposphere is heated from the surface to the tropopause, from warm to cold.

    me — “Not all energy is heat”.
    That is just a misunderstanding of what you are calling “heat”.
    All matter radiates unless it is at absolute zero, and that radiation is energy. Heat is NOT a property, it is relative.
    me– “CO2 does not prevent heat from rising”.
    Just like your body under a blanket, the earth radiates infrared heat back out into outer space, and CO2 trimolecular atoms get excited by that IR radiation and vibrate, what science calls a dipole moment. That is how your cell phone antenna works. That vibration gives off heat in all directions, which has the same effect as a blanket, it slows down the radiation of your body to the colder air on the other side of the blanket.
    me — “Heat travels from hot to cold, never from cold to hot.”
    You are still not understanding that heat is not a property. Temperature, density and pressure are all related. As air descends from a lower pressure to a higher pressure, it heats up because temperature, pressure and density are all related. Descending air (colder) becomes denser as it compresses, and this raises its temperature (hotter). I know that this is counter-intuitive, but that is one of the complexities of atmospheric physics. You have to understand how this principle works to understand the seeming contradiction.

    me– “There is no new energy from CO2 to increase warming”.
    That’s right, the energy is “not new”, it is not creating “new energy”. You got that part right.
    It’s the same with a blanket on your body, it is not creating “new energy”, it is preserving your own body heat, not allowing it to escape (hot to cold) by blocking it, keeping it in.

    ,me — “The planet cannot heat itself from its own energy”.
    That is EXACTLY what it does. The troposphere is heated from below, not from above, As heat rises from the surface to the tropopause, 7 miles above the surface, temperature falls by 140 degrees F, because of the relationship of temperature, pressure and density.
    Rising air decreases in pressure and density, causing temperature to drop, which is called adiabatic lapse rate. I am not really going to be able to explain to you the difference between dry, wet, dew and environmental lapse rates, that is only through the study of atmospheric sciences that you could begin to understand these terms.
    You have a fundamental understanding of thermal dynamics, but not enough to understand how green house gases work, But keep trying.

    This clown was trying to use ideal gas law and adiabatic lapse rate to explain cold warms hot. Then tries to impress me with his 14 years of university courses, including electrical engineering. Currently self-employed as an artist, designer, and a poet. LMAO

  210. boomie789 says:

    This is what I post or reference now every time the “blanket argument” comes up.

    byu/Boomie7892 from discussion

    byu/Boomie7892 from discussion

    Postma wrote it.

  211. boomie789 says:

    It’s the last 2 parts of that comment thread.

  212. CD Marshall says:

    I am shocked how many don’t understand the blanket physics. My wife’s gf’s boyfrined (140 IQ) explained it to me perfectly when I asked him if he knew how it worked and he’s a tech guy!

  213. CD Marshall says:


  214. CD Marshall says:

    me — “Not all energy is heat”.

    That is just a misunderstanding of what you are calling “heat”.
    All matter radiates unless it is at absolute zero, and that radiation is energy. Heat is NOT a property, it is relative.

    *Actually he just contradicted himself contradicting you. All matter radiates energy, for that energy to create heat it must adhere to strict requirements and that requirement under Bosons is frequency/wavelength based. Radiation is quantized into photons whose energy is proportional to frequency: E=hv.

    Anything emitting above 0 Kelvin emits energy that does not mean it’s increasing the temperature. Energy does not automatically mean a temperature change. Thermodynamic “heat” has two components: 1) energy transfer, and 2) from “hot” to “cold” (ΔT).

    Without both components, there is no “heat” just a transfer of energy. No heat=no raise in temperature. Thus the equation, (Th^4 – Tc^4) from hot to cold.*

    “Heat is defined as the form of energy that is transferred across a boundary by virtue of a temperature difference or temperature gradient. Implied in this definition is the very important fact that a body never contains heat, but that heat is identified as heat only as it crosses the boundary. Thus, heat is a transient phenomenon…” -Thermodynamics, G. J. V. Wylen, John Wiley & Sons, 1960

    “Heat is defined as any spontaneous flow of energy from one object to another caused by a difference in temperature between the objects… The mechanism may be different in each case, but in each of these processes the energy transferred is called “heat .” -Chapter 1 – Energy in Thermal Physics Daniel V. Schroeder: An Introduction to Thermal Physics

    “…Thus ‘heat’ may be termed as the energy interaction at the system boundary which occurs due to temperature difference only. Heat is observable in transit at the interface i.e. boundary, it cannot be contained in a system” –Applied Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh

  215. CD Marshall says:

    By correct thermodynamics his second comment is in error.

    HIM: “Just like your body under a blanket, the earth radiates infrared heat back out into outer space, and CO2 trimolecular atoms get excited by that IR radiation and vibrate, what science calls a dipole moment. That is how your cell phone antenna works. That vibration gives off heat in all directions, which has the same effect as a blanket, it slows down the radiation of your body to the colder air on the other side of the blanket.”

    No the vibration gives off energy in all directions, not heat unless it meets the requirements.

    The atmosphere does not restrict convection and a heated atmosphere does not mean a heated surface. Irregardless of ghgs intercepting some of that IR radiation, that energy is no longer on the surface. The little ‘feedback’ of energy that makes it to the surface and is actually absorbed by the surface, once again falls under the requirements of “photons whose energy is proportional to frequency: E=hv” and thus requires greater energy (and f/wl) in the photons being re-absorbed by the surface than the emissions of energy from the surface to increase the temperature. That simply does not happen.

    That is basically correct, however the “blanket argument” is a sophist misdirection on their part in the first place. The climate greenhouse effect is not about how a blanket works…which works by stopping convection, i.e. air circulation around a body. CO2 in the air doesn’t stop air-circulation, hence, CO2 in the air is NOT like a blanket…although they like to pretend that because it is great sophistry and generates confusion and convolution of concepts etc.

    The climate greenhouse effect is the radiative phenomenon as depicted in those flat Earth models, where GHG’s provide twice the energy as the Sun does, because they’ve made sunshine too cold to create the weather or heat anything above far below freezing.

    Once you point that out, which you did, then their tactic is to switch to other definitions “by analogy” or “works like” type of arguments. And that’s just what they did: “no it’s not that…its a blanket…the sun is the heat source but CO2 is like a blanket.” etc.

    Is 0.04% of the air like a blanket? If this is the case isn’t the rest of the air already a blanket? If there’s a difference, what’s the difference? Aha…the difference is the supposed radiative mechanism where GHG’s provide twice the energy as the Sun does due to their flat Earth accounting.

    Understand that these people are constantly lying with intent and with skill. Identify the lie(s). Then pull them apart. It took me a long time to become an expert at it.
    The atmosphere is not a blanket, a blanket works to prevent or slow convective cooling. The atmosphere does not prevent convection and neither does GHGs.

  216. CD Marshall says:

    “You are still not understanding that heat is not a property. Temperature, density and pressure are all related. As air descends from a lower pressure to a higher pressure, it heats up because temperature, pressure and density are all related. Descending air (colder) becomes denser as it compresses, and this raises its temperature (hotter). I know that this is counter-intuitive, but that is one of the complexities of atmospheric physics. You have to understand how this principle works to understand the seeming contradiction.”

    This does not sound like a guy who knows what he is talking about at all. Kinetic energy is taught in elementary physics everywhere or he was just confusing himself trying to confuse you?

    Adiabatic Process: A process in which there is no exchange of heat or mass with the environment. In an adiabatic process, a change in internal energy is solely a consequence of work. For an ideal gas and most atmospheric conditions, compression results in warming, whereas expansion results in cooling.

    Without work from the outside only this process remains, air expands as it rises and compresses as that air descends.

    Delta U=Q-W (work done by the system)

  217. CD Marshall says:

    “That is EXACTLY what it does.”
    That’s exactly what it doesn’t lol.

    The troposphere is a Carnot cycle and any radiative forcing from the Sun flows one way, from hot to cold, (Thot^4-Tcold^4). The hotter the surface gets the greater the Troposphere expands to compensate and the emissions to space increases by the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the radiating body to appropriate the Conservation of Energy Law, under that law the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system. Delta U=Q-W.

    The lower atmosphere is heated because of the surface; the upper atmosphere is heated by the higher energy rays of the sun. Solar energy transfers to surface, then surface energy transfers to the atmosphere, then the energy transfers to space. Earth’s surface warms the atmosphere for the atmosphere is not a blackbody thus not a source of heat. Reflection is just that, a re-direction of a ‘source of energy’ and if the insulation is warming up and re-radiating that energy, it is not hotter than the original source of energy. That’s why in the upper atmosphere CO2 and NO re-directs the bulk of solar storms back out into space and acts like an effective coolant.

    Think of a source as something we could still see without photons absorption giving us better eyesight. In atmospheric physics the troposphere is treated as a Carnot cycle with two opposing isothermal forces and the adiabatic lapse rate both dry and wet. These constant forces are why the troposphere will never be in thermal equilibrium.

    Reversible isothermal expansion
    Reversible adiabatic expansion
    Reversible isothermal compression
    Reversible adiabatic compression

    Yes on a more complex scale, in atmospheric physics, each parcel of air in the troposphere can be considered an individual system as open, closed, partial or isolated. For example, a large cumulus cloud may be considered a closed system. Because of these real facts radiative forcing doesn’t create thermal equilibrium. In fact, when a parcel of air (gas) is moving vertically no heat exchange is transferred to its surroundings thus no forcing and no thermal equilibrium.

    “The “planet” does not “warm or cool” when there is an imbalance given by I = (S/4)(1-a) – oeT^4. The “planet” warms and cools at every moment with the real-time in-situ heat flow.” -Joseph Postma, physicist.

    Also huge difference between one solar photon and the conversion of that energy to terrestrial photons on average a 1-30 ratio (JP), the COE law helps keep the universe from being overwhelmed with higher energy particles, and no that energy is not reversible, thus the Bose-Einstein statistic. No matter how many terrestrial photons “stack” it won’t equal the solar photon it originated from.

    Once that frequency/wavelength is broken down it can’t regardless of population, achieve equal temperature of the original solar photon. Which means, any “back radiation” from the atmosphere to the surface even at 100% does not increase temperature above the radiating source it originated from. This is quantum mechanics and this applies to the atmosphere.

  218. CD Marshall says:

    Now I’m done. You caught me in a mood, YT has given me no challenges of late and I was pretty bored.

  219. Leon says:

    “This does not sound like a guy who knows what he is talking about at all.”
    That’s exactly what I told him. He was just filibustering concepts in an attempt to sound smart. I asked him how the poet business is going. 14 years of fucking around in school on free gibs from the government cause he’s bum. Something to that effect.

  220. CD Marshall says:

    Yeah I’m sorry but “14 years” and that’s all he comes up with? I’ve only been studying for 2 years and anyone with a formal degree in this stuff should be able to put me under the table with no effort.

    It’s a hard sell.

    Tell him a degree in liberal arts, gender studies and political science doesn’t really count.

    I know someone who got a degree in politcal science, a decade later he laughed and said it was the most worthless thing he ever did.

  221. CD Marshall says: has been redirecting to the White House since Biden became president. Biden claims he knows nothing about it, since that is true will all things Biden, he wasn’t lying.

    Doesn’t mean it wasn’t done on purpose.

    Try it on google in the address bar as “” will go to here…


  222. CD Marshall says:

    So I did some research and cloud cover has increased around 17% since the 1970s (according to NASA it is 67%) whereas I was able to glean from a paper in 1970 (that may actually of been published under NASA) that it was 50% in the 1970s. I find that very interesting. Off the top you would think that would have a cooling effect on the planet.

    However, as we know climate science is far more complex than that and global means little in the perspective of how that cloud cover is interacting with the climate. So the questions I have are:

    Is more solar irradiation reaching the oceans at the tropics or less?

    Clouds opaqueness decides the function of the cloud. How much of that 67% is full cover or partial, opaque or semi-opaque and where indeed is the main coverage?

    In theory an open tropical region with diminishing cloud cover and increased cloud cover at other regions could increase the global average temperature of the planet. Not the ghe mind you, but more solar energy and more water vapor maintaining a “set” temperature. More water vapor would be transporting more thermal energy off the surface, but keeping it as latent heat for longer periods of time.

    Yet so many other factors can be worked into this.

    For instance, why is the cloud cover increasing? What is the catalyst? That catalyst determines what type of cloud seeding is forming.

    Increased water vapor.
    Less/more O3.
    Less/more solar storms (or stronger).
    Less/more cosmic rays.
    Less/more Earth’s magnetic field flux/decay
    Less/more Solar magnetic field flux/decay
    Less/more air particulates/particles.

    We know the Earth’s magnetic field has been in decay for a while, so that’s a given. The Ozone layer is stronger than it has been for while no doubt in part from less solar storms (which NASA has known for decades causes O3 depletion). The “clean air acts” is creating a terrestrial Brightening overall, thus more surface solar irradiation.

    I have heard cosmic rays have increased as well which would I believe increases atmopsheric ionization.

    That’s a far as I got so far.

    5:30 AM musings from a mad man.

  223. CDM
    In 1976 the Greek electronic composer Vangelis released his studio album Albedo 0.39
    That of course was in the dim and distant past…
    Is light now dawning?

  224. CD Marshall says:

    Vangelis • Albedo 0.39

  225. Philip Mulholland says:

    My Hero.

  226. CD Marshall says:

    “Using satellite measurements accumulated since the late 1970s, scientists estimate Earth’s average albedo is about about 0.30.” -NASA

  227. Philip Mulholland says:

    Galactic Council Mandate
    Galactic Region: Sirius Sector of the Outer Western Spiral Arm
    Terrestrial Planet Bond Albedo Control Order 0.306
    It is hereby ordered on the thought of his Nebulosity, the Magnificent Everlasting Irradiance
    That the planet Sol III, The Ocean World, sometime incorrectly referred to as Earth, shall be revived from its current dangerous Albedo Level of 0.39 and impending Ice Age State and restored to a habitable functioning level of Albedo 0.306
    In addition to this remedial action by the Galactic Engineering Fleet, emergency emissions of Carbon Dioxide Gas are permitted by Humankind, his loyal subjects, by appropriate means of chemical conversion that both benefit them and also our beloved Plants.

    By order of the Emperor

  228. Philip Mulholland says:

    Wonder what albedo NASA calculated from this image?

    NASA Photo ID: AS08-16-2593 File Name: 10074956.jpg
    Film Type: 70mm Date Taken: 12/22/68
    Title: Entire Western Hemisphere visible from Apollo 8 spacecraft
    A striking view from the Apollo 8 spacecraft showing nearly the entire
    Western Hemisphere, from the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, including
    nearby Newfoundland, extending to Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of
    South America. Central America is clearly outlined. Nearly all of South
    America is covered by clouds, except the high Andes Mountain chain along
    the west coast. A small portion of the bulge of west Africa shows along
    the sunset terminator.
    Subject terms:
    APOLLO 8

  229. Philip Mulholland says:

    “Nearly all of South America is covered by clouds, except the high Andes Mountain chain along
    the west coast. A small portion of the bulge of west Africa shows along the sunset terminator.”

    The text is accurate, however there is one small problem , the source image is laterally inverted.
    Drop it into PowerPoint then Use Drawing Tools > Rotate > Flip Horizontal and all becomes clear.
    This archive image was taken on 22nd December 1968 so the Icecap of Antarctica is fully lit at the bottom left of the image. It should of course be bottom right.
    Since when was the sunset terminator on the left?
    Historic note.
    I first saw the Apollo 8 images at a slide show and talk in 1971. I watched puzzled as image after image appear to be unrecognisable. Eventually an iconic shot of Africa appear on the screen, obviously inverted. I asked for the 35 mm slide just put into the slide projector to be correctly displayed.
    This was done, but when the slide was examined in its official mount, it and all of the other slides had been published back to front.

  230. CD Marshall says:

    Crackpot NASA using sleight of hand and magic tricks for decades. Those who control the tech control the narrative and nobody has more tech out right now than NASA.

    Thanks to Biden (his controllers) nothing will exist from NASA but the Climate branch.

  231. Philip Mulholland says:

    Only ascribe to malice that which can not be explained by incompetence.

  232. boomie789 says:

    @Phillip Mulholland

    Earth for humans! Earth plants for humans!

    Get lost galactic scum!


  233. CD Marshall says:

    “Only ascribe to malice that which can not be explained by incompetence.”
    …And those who intend malice utilize the incompetent.

    Speaking of both, when did Hansen take over NASA?

  234. CD Marshall says:

    My comment to a troll,
    Just answer the question in all of that peer pal review research it had to be answered for climate change by CO2 to be legitimate so answer the question.

    Where is this radiative source than can increase its own temperature?

    Surely in thousands upon thousands of papers it’s been answered? Where is it? Where does it show CO2 increases surface temperature above it’s own radiating source?

    To claim that it can is stupid science and an ignorant violation of proven physics.

  235. CD Marshall says:

    Philip Mulholland
    If my memory serves me wasn’t all photos inverted back then? You had to fix that in development or something? Projectors flipped the image as I recall? Or something like that.

  236. Philip Mulholland says:

    You are trespassing into “Teaching Gran Old Tricks” territory 🙂
    A 35 mm slide is not a paper print. It just needs to be labelled with the correct “view from” side to be properly marked for the projectionist to follow.
    This story has depth. The first iconic published “View of Africa” photo that I saw was also printed laterally inverted, that is how I knew I was seeing an error made at source and not just one made by the projectionist.
    I have never been able to get NASA to acknowledge this error which definitely happened as the archive print linked to above proves. My own thoughts on this are that in astronomy telescope images that are captured on the photographic plate are laterally inverted (see The Moon is Upside Down, How to Invert Your Telescope Image), so by procedure this must be corrected by inversion on publication. Of course, a hand-held camera in a space craft is not a telescope image but they applied “standard astronomical procedure” on publication anyway. This however is just my speculation.

  237. @CD – That’s right…there is no peer reviewed or any other paper empirically demonstrating the radiative greenhouse effect with controlled and measured variables. There are only flat earth diagrams ppstulating it under the guise that the Sun can’t create temperature higher than-18C.

    Yah they love their peer review so much…press them on producing a reference. If they can’t or refuse to then they have no right to demand the same.

  238. boomie789 says:

    I’m amazed people can’t see it. It’s Not about your health. It’s not about the climate.

  239. CD Marshall says:

    The “Great Reset” propaganda continues the optimal prerogative protocol.

  240. CD Marshall says:

    “The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that no institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of our complex, interdependent world. The pandemic has accelerated systemic changes that were apparent before its inception. The fault lines that emerged in 2020 now appear as critical crossroads in 2021. The time to rebuild trust and to make crucial choices is fast approaching as the need to reset priorities and the urgency to reform systems grow stronger around the world.”

  241. Joseph E Postma says:

    Wow…just what they always wanted from climate change…and still based on lies and data manipulation. Bunch of robotic globalist parasitical retards. They want to normalize the world to the same add strategies…it is all just to make it easier for them to create advertisements. Sickos.

  242. CD Marshall says:

    Live Now BS climate change scientists come introduce yourself

  243. God what a retarded production…pulling in celebrities and the whole bit.

  244. CD Marshall says:

    I couldn’t even stomach the “show” just fn liars up there just like Mann saying all the glaciers are melting away and we have no hope for the future

  245. Sickos. Real sick freaks. Sick.

  246. boomie789 says:

    Tune into that stream for 10 mins…
    It’s just celebrity worship and doom saying. It’s like a popularity show for highschoolers…


  247. CD Marshall says:

    I put comments on there they weren’t even read or seen the whole thing looked like a sham

  248. CD Marshall says:

    Glaciers (some) are indeed melting and those are the only ones they pay attention to. However others are growing or remaining the same, and those are ignored. If I remember correctly, the glaciers melting are the ones in contact with water, either oceans or mountain lakes or something.

  249. It’s all the gheyest crap and Mann is the biggest fraud going.

  250. CD Marshall says:

    I think it’s funny that they try and discredit you for “having a temper” when Mann is the most obnoxious vile “scientist” I have ever met, and after reading through comments from scientists to scientists, they all were like that and quite frankly, even worse. Mann even brags about stopping papers in peer review, or shutting down opposition science.

  251. Yes…can’t get angry about flat earth theory as science…just be a bland banal soulless academic that believes everything. These sick fuckers…they really are sick.

  252. But they can be vile bastards…that’s allowed. They’re sick.

  253. CD Marshall says:

    Yup exactly they can be total dicks and its praised but if you do it you’re “unhinged out of your mind”.

  254. And they laugh because they know they’re lying and getting away with flat earth theory…they love that their insanity makes you angry.

  255. boomie789 says:

    Want to share this with you guys, kind of a big deal.

    That’s the context.

    More context.

    and here is a video from the discord.

    Can you believe it?

  256. Joseph E Postma says:


  257. boomie789 says:

    The subreddit r/wallstreetbets are brigading stocks that hedge fund billionaires bet against, mainly gamestop. AMC movie theaters is another. Now the wallstreet fatcats have lost 30+ billion dollars and had to liquidate long term assets to cover it. Potentially infinite losses or something.

    Basically the little guy just found a way to stick it to the elites were it really hurts.

  258. boomie789 says:

    Short video explanation.

  259. boomie789 says:

    even shorter, 4mins. You might laugh too.

  260. CD Marshall says:

    This is “consensus climate science” at its best.

    “The wetter parts of the world are getting wetter and the drier parts drier. The researchers know this because the saltier parts of the ocean are getting saltier and the fresher parts, fresher.”

    “The oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth’s surface. They contain 97 percent of the world’s water; receive 80 percent of the rainfall, and have absorbed 90 percent of the energy produced by global warming.”

    So which is it? We are warming from ‘global warming’ or we are not because the ocean ate the warming?

  261. One day people will all know how much of a cosmic, galactic joke our scientists were at this time period.

  262. CD Marshall says:

    Sea level rise claims.,above%202000%20levels%20by%202100

    “Global mean sea level has risen about 8–9 inches (21–24 centimeters) since 1880, with about a third of that coming in just the last two and a half decades. The rising water level is mostly due to a combination of meltwater from glaciers and ice sheets and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms. In 2019, global mean sea level was 3.4 inches (87.6 millimeters) above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). From 2018 to 2019, global sea level rose 0.24 inches (6.1 millimeters).”

    Yet satellites can’t measure mm ocean rise.

    And the actual datas…

    Sea level both rising and falling.
    The average in Australia is .5 feet in a hundred years.
    North America and Europe is more.

    The MWP was estimated 6 feet higher than today. Must have been from all of those wood burning fires?

  263. boomie789 says:

    Not only did 80+million people realize they don’t have a vote. Now all the young men just found out the rules only apply to them, and not the elite. The whole thing is rigged against us.

  264. Joseph E Postma says:

    Scamming f’rs. Burn it all.

  265. boomie789 says:

    “Patrick Byrne has written great commentary on his involvement with Giuliani, Sidney Powell, to investigate the election theft. Looks like Giuliani was just an alcoholic getting paid $100k/week and hardly doing anything to warrant it, surrounded by mediocre helpers.. Trump’s white house was a “shit-show” for 4 years. This is long, but excellent comprehensive summary of what exactly happened behind the scenes, and why they failed (pathetically weak leadership). ”

    Very very interesting read.

  266. Pingback: Ptolemy’s Epicycles solve Climate Change — Climate of Sophistry – GLOBALYNC – Humanity

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